Coronavirus (Covid-19) Home Remedies

"Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home Remedies"

Do You Know CoronaVirus India is Entering in Stage-4?


So,before we entering in such Dangerous Situation
let’s analyze the History,Corona affected countries
data and World Health Organization reports
regarding COVID-19 cases.

According to WHO Report of Corona virus
confirmed cases now up to 81,600  in China
but, at same time Recovered test reports are
76,400 and Active cases are 1,800 tests
positive only and Coronavirus Deaths are 3,400
In China.

At same time as Per Coronavirus Updates by
 WHO MAP Coronavirus Italy and
coronavirus  america / US situation became very
difficult to Handle
as In Italy Coronavirus Death's are 13,120 and in
US 5,130 & also in Coronavirus Affected Countries
the situations are in 3rd & 4th stages.

Is it a Coronavirus Bio weapon ?
Then analysis How China Recover Coronavirus
quickly than other countries Without any
coronavirus antidote,But we can’t say Definitely
coronavirus Biological weapon on this Proofs.
They may recovered by Own strategy and
Dedication ,awareness Precautions as seen the
Situations of Corona in Wuhan.
But now coronavirus in India is Exponentially
Increasing  according to
Coronavirus Updates in India  about 2000+
confirmed cases even in Lock-down India

So, Let Me tell you some Home Remedies for
Corona symptoms,coronavirus Cure&Care-
You should wash your Hands after handling things in your daily life.

Means Even after handling Mobile Phones,
Pen,Laptop Mouse etc. and regularly
after a period of 2 hours and Don't habitat touch
your Mouth,Nose,Eyes etc. Wash sanitisers,Handwash,Soap.
 You can wash your hands by simply Soap
and Home made sanitiser of Salty warm Water
but wash neatly or with Alcoholic Contain Liquids.

Do you Know How to Wash Your Hands?

         Even after washing Your hands 40% of Hand area Remains to Clean,Watch How?

2. Use Warm Salted Water to Clean Vegetables & Fruits -

You can use warm Salted water to clean the Vegetables and Fruits before eat as Salt+water can able to clean Dust,Residue,Germs etc

3.Increase Your Immunity to Fight against coronavirus.

This is very Important to increase your Immunity to Resist such Viruses and Be tough and Healthy Body with Easy Home Tricks.
Sleep 8Hrs to 9Hrs and Increase Immunity up to 70%

8-Foods Rich of Vitamin ‘C’ will Build Your Immune System:-

Doctor mostly recommends KIWI fruit and Papaya Leaf Juice to Healthy Immune system and to increase White Blood cells in your CBT and after time Period frequently drink Warm water or Green tea with Ginger & Tulasi

1) KIWI Fruit.

2) Papaya.
3) Lemon.
4) Oranges.
5) Ginger.
6) Turmeric.
7) Yogurt.
8) Almond.
8) Tulsi Green Tea.

4. Stay At Home!!!

Very Important Remedy ans solution to fall down stages of Coronavirus effects in India is Home Quarantine and Social Distancing with using Masks and avoid unnecessary travel ,Virus will not Exempt you it will affect any one so today is only our Duty to stay at Home and wait for New sunrise.
